THE BREACH – Under Review

‘The Breach – the Untold Story of the Investigation Into January 6th’ is a 2022 book by Denver Riggleman, assisted by Hunter Walker. It is the story of the January 6th 2021 US Capitol Insurrection as told through the lens of cutting edge data technology analysis which reveals the connections and correspondence of those insurrectionists…

FOOL’S ERRAND Under Review

Did you know the U.S. government was given multiple ample opportunities early in the Afghan war to cooperate with the Taliban and employ them to extinguish the Al Qaeda cancer in their territory, but D.C. chose rather to conflate the Taliban with Al Qaeda and needlessly make the Taliban our enemies in war as well?  Did you know that everyone from terrorism experts in academia (Robert Pape) and medical science to ‘insider’ military analysts – have confirmed the primary driving force of anti-American sentiment in Afghanistan, the greater Middle East, and among terrorists who have attempted and carried out attacks within the United States – is the unwelcome presence of military bases and personnel on the Arabian Peninsula.  Of course; that’s not to discount the American financial and military support for the cruel puppet regimes our CIA & military have overthrown democratically-elected governments to set up and prop up, crippling military sanctions that cause untold amounts of suffering on children and innocent populations, American support for the Israeli right-wing fascist Likud Party’s oppression and abuse of Palestinians, – or, other civilian casualties that have continuously added to the American killing-machine’s body count at wedding parties and Doctors Without Borders Hospitals and such…

‘FREEDOM’ Under Review

Freedom is the title and theme of a new book by Adam Kokesh. Released this year, Freedom is a work of mature philosophical theory that is timely and relevant as it is thought-provoking.  In Freedom, Kokesh goes beyond apologetics for voluntaryism, and actually speculates about some innovations coming with the exponential progress of…

AMEN, Jerry DeWitt

Skepticism is my Nature, Freethought is my Methodology, Agnosticism is my Conclusion, Atheism is my Opinion, and Humanism is my Motivation,  –   Jerry DeWitt, Hope After Faith “Jerry DeWitt’s ministry began when he was seventeen. After twenty-five years of preaching, including pastor-ship of two fundamentalist congregations, he became an atheist.” “I’d bounced from denomination to…